Psoas Muscle: The Muscle of the Soul

April 5, 2022
psoas muscle

The Psoas Muscle, also referred to as The Muscle of the Soul, holds onto traumatic experiences on a cellular level. Releasing it with the right yoga poses can help the body process through and release trauma responses that have been locked within for years.

Psoas, so huh?

First off, we have two of them. The psoas are muscles that originate at the 12th thoracic vertebrae (mid-back) and the 5th lumbar vertebrae (low back) on either side, run through either side of the pelvis, and insert at either side of the lesser trochanter of the femur (inner thigh bone at the hip). No other muscles in our body connect our torso to our legs - the psoas have a big responsibility! Their responsibility includes:

  • Flexing the hip joint - think about the action of bending one knee toward the chest; think about the action that occurs at the front of the hip when riding a bike, or walking up stairs
  • Flexing the torso - think, bending forward to pick something up off the ground
  • Stabilizing our spine - think, sitting with good posture or standing upright

The psoas muscles are also our deepest core muscles! We truly need our psoas for day-to-day functioning. A tense, restricted, tight, or neglected psoas can’t do its job and other muscles like the back and shoulders work overtime to compensate. This leads to low back pain, shoulder and upper back pain, pelvic pain, and overactive quadriceps muscles. The psoas also have a role in our breathing, as they attach to the diaphragm via connective tissue.

Reclined Knee to Chest Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

  • Begin by laying on your back. Use a rolled up towel underneath your neck if your head and neck need more support.
  • Bend both knees and place feet flat on ground. Pause and take five cycles of deep breath (1 inhale and 1 exhale = 1 cycle)
  • Keeping the left foot on the floor, gently bend the right knee into the chest and interlace your fingers around your right shin or back of thigh. (Optional: extend the left leg on the ground. Only take this option if it does not strain the lower back. We are releasing the psoas very effectively without adding this option).
  • Take 5-10 deep cycles of breath here.
  • Return to prep position: Both knees bent, both feet flat on ground, and take 5 cycles of deep breath before moving to the second side, drawing the left knee into the chest.

Note: This pose can also be done seated in a chair or standing, bending one knee at a time into the chest.

Wisdom Pose (Ajna Chakra Asana): More commonly called Child’s Pose (Balasana)

wisdom pose, child's pose, yoga
  • Come to a kneeling position with knees slightly apart and big toes touching. Try to untuck the toes so the tops of the feet are flat to the ground.
  • Lean torso forward. Stack one hand on top of the other and place the forehead on the hands. *If the hips cannot come to heels, no worries, place a folded up blanket or bolster between calves and backs of thighs or try the chair modification listed below
  • Allow your third eye (ajna chakra), the center of the forehead, to rest into the hands
  • Take 10 cycles of deep breath, allowing the rib cage to expand out and toward the inner thighs on the inhalation (like an accordion expanding), and allowing the rib cage to contact in on the relaxing exhalation

Note: This pose can also be done using a chair: Kneel facing a chair with padding (try a blanket) under your knees, if needed. Try keeping your hips connected to your heels as you lean forward and stack your hands on the seat of the chair. Lay your head on your hands. As mentioned above, if your hips cannot stay on your heels, place pillows or a blanket on top of your calves so that your hips can rest on these supports.

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