We can all agree that establishing good habits can be a daunting task. It is usually filled with larger than life expectations, unrealistic goals for the time frame provided, and an affinity of stressing over it all when the plan falls apart at an Olympic record pace.
But, what if we could break down our new desires, goals, and plans into small digestible sections that can set us up for success rather than worry about where we are faltering?
Listed below are some tips and ideas to keep you on pace for establishing habits that will become ingrained into your life without hassle:
1. Break down your goals into small, realistic ideas. Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and healthy habits won’t be created in a day either. By separating goals into small ideas they are far more attainable. So instead of getting up and deciding you are going to run a marathon, let’s get off the coach, put one foot in front of the other and simply get moving!
2. The 1% Rule! Imagine if you tried to be just 1% better today than you were yesterday. In one year’s time you will be exactly 365% better overall. Small efforts equal a huge sum of changes. Changes that are lasting and will become lifestyle rather than fad. They will withstand the tests of time.
3. Be surrounded by a healthy support system. Remember, we take on the characteristics of the top 3 people we are surrounded by, so be sure to choose your people wisely.
4. Give yourself grace. It is okay to NOT know all the answers. It is okay to bob and weave until you figure out where you are going and how you are going to get there. See #2. As long as we have a perceived amount of progress, it will keep us on track for long term changes to our life.
5. If you plan on changing your diet to include healthier options. Try doing them incrementally by choosing one new item a day or week to try incorporating into meals. These minor changes will be less daunting and can create very small improvements that overtime will become second nature to you and your family.
6. Remember to breathe. Breathing deeply is an excellent way to decrease stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelming nature. Try breathing from the diaphragm (coming from your stomach rather than your chest). It can clear much of the tension brewing in the body and rest your thoughts to be more positive in nature.
7. Celebrate the victories more often. No one said you had to wait to celebrate until the end when you reached your final goal. Celebrating the small victories are important to maintain the level of enthusiasm or drive to continue on task.
8. Finally, learn to enjoy the journey. It is the part that you will be in for the long haul anyway, so learning to embrace the hardships you face each day will certainly prepare you for all the good things coming your way.
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